Sunday, 11 November 2018

Module 2; Creating the structure!

This morning I had an incredibly helpful 1:1 tutorial with Adesola. We discussed my inquiry topic idea, ethics and structuring my time for module 3. 

I had been worrying that I couldn't find any literature contradicting my thoughts of how a ballet dancer's voice is silenced during ballet training. Adesola corrected me in thinking that there wasn't anything out there - I just haven't found the right way to search for it yet. But this could take years, and this course and inquiry isn't about trying to prove a point. It is about trying to fill in the gaps. I have been formally trained as a technical dancer, not as a teacher. Therefore this inquiry for me is to try to fill some of gaps in my knowledge to help further my practice in teaching. 

So instead of worrying about finding literature that goes against my opinions of the subject, I am instead going to continue to focus on the different teaching techniques and explore the literature around them - including the outcomes that other scholars have discovered. 

In my last post I discussed my new 'sharing rule' in class. Adesola pointed out to me that I don't actually know for sure yet how this will effect the class as right now I still haven't done enough research into the results of using this peer review technique. Therefore in a way I am experimenting on the class (which sounds utterly awful and is far from my intention of bringing the class together in a focused, positive and uplifting environment.) But this has made me aware that I do need to research further into different teaching techniques and the outcome effects that they have on the students (before I introduce them to my classroom). 

This brings me on to deciding to interview teachers and their own opinions on the best ways to conduct a class in order to bring the best out of their students. Learning is a very individual thing and everyone learns differently. But to find a way that makes everyone feel included in a classroom situation would be an ultimate aim now for me. And to do this I need 

Module 2 is about creating a structure (or a road to travel down) for module 3. During module 3 we may stray away as we uncover new ideas, but the structure will be there to pull us back to the main road so that we can continue to travel towards the aim we set out with. So my next plan is to start to structure out my time - first for the rest of this module and then for module 3, so that I have more of a plan to go forward with. 

So onward with planning the rest of this module, writing my first draft of my proposal and completing the MORE form.

1 comment:

  1. I think "experimenting " on our students is par for the course whilst we are stilling researching and learning ourselves.

    We do need to follow examples and ideas and build a structure in to classes but I've found some of my most creative work has come from a little of lots of different practitioners perspectives added to my own and those I am working with.


What is the story you are going to tell?

Today, Tuesday 2nd April, we had a Module 3 skype session where we discussed the stories of our inquiries. Essentially, the entire process f...