Tuesday, 2 April 2019

What is the story you are going to tell?

Today, Tuesday 2nd April, we had a Module 3 skype session where we discussed the stories of our inquiries. Essentially, the entire process from the starting initial ideas to the resulting analysis and reflection is a story of experiences which we are telling through our essay and our artefacts.

Each enquiry has a beginning, middle and end. The beginning 'questions' that need answering are why am I doing this inquiry and what do I hope to gain from it? The middle asks what happened as you carried out your discovery process? The ending asks the question - what do these findings mean? And furthering this, by reflecting on our beginning question, what have I gained?

The artefact goes hand in hand with telling this same story. It isn't a representation of the results or the grand conclusion of this inquiry. It is another form of telling the story of your enquiry. And (reassuringly for me anyway at this stage) we won't fully understand what our artefact is going to be until we understand the complete story.

I hope this short run down of our skype call helps anyone who couldn't attend. The advice we were given and that I will pass on, is to keep practicing telling your 'story' to people and ask them to say back to you what they understand your inquiry to be. This will reveal any gaps in your story telling and will ultimately help the writing up process and how you want your inquiry to be represented.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Yes this is a good report of what we were all saying. Valid comment about not knowing what the artefact will be until later. I think some people will have very varied artefacts to show their process


What is the story you are going to tell?

Today, Tuesday 2nd April, we had a Module 3 skype session where we discussed the stories of our inquiries. Essentially, the entire process f...