Sunday, 25 February 2018

Opening the doors (Tuesday 20th Feb discussion group)

Last Tuesday I attended my first discussion group. It was great to hear from other students from varying different stages of the course. I have to admit - at first when the module 3 students were discussing the 'importance of literature within their inquiry' and their 'literature reviews', I had pretty much no idea how I was ever going to be able to contribute towards the discussion. But by the end of the discussion, my understanding had become clearer and I could see how the work I am doing at the moment (in module 1) is in fact giving me valuable skills to practice using before I get to that same stage.

After reading our module 1 handbooks, all of us new starters were keen to discuss Web 2.0 in order to further understand it's use. Matt (from module 2) helped us all greatly in describing Web 1.0 as a source for giving us information, whilst Web 2.0 gave us the information whilst also offering space for us (the reader) to contribute. We had all started to try and reflect this into our professional lives and were struggling to understand the connection, but Helen and the others from the higher modules informed us that we needed to look at it all with a much more broader view.

Bearing this in mind, I had been keen to discuss the use and content of our blogs. I understood that it was a use for us to reflect and share with fellow students, but I wanted some clarification of how broad I can go with the subjects that I write about. I was told that there wasn't really a limit to this, just so long as my blogs can inspire a broad discussion with 1 key question running through them. Like 1 thread running through the centre, with many branches of relevance that can be discussed. Essentially my blogs should be opening the doors to interesting and (hopefully) some relevant and thought-provoking discussion!

I hope this can help (particularly any module 1's who couldn't make the discussion, but may have had similar queries to us).   


  1. Nice blog about the discussion. How is the social media study and discussion reflected in your Practice? As you do things in Module One keep reflecting back to your own Practice and how the ideas reflect in it or on it. By the end of the Module you want to have a better articulation of what your practice is and how you see it and how others see you/it too (which social media often raises).

    1. Hi Adesola, thank you for your feed back. I have just posted a blog about task 1b from reader 1 and am about to start my more reflective tasks from reader 2. I am still finding that my brain goes off on a bit of a tangent with lots of ideas and topics I wish to discuss, but I am trying to remember to reflect and connect this to my practice! I am finding myself a lot more aware of my uses of Web 2.0 and have been questioning whether or not I actually am using it enough/if I am using it to it's full extent in helping me in my practice.

  2. Syanne, fancy seeing you here ;) Thanks for sharing about the skype session... I missed it so this post was very helpful. Looking forward to reading your blog and maybe next time we bump into each other we can discuss how it's going so far!

    1. Well hello there Miss Clough!! :) No problem at all, I'm glad it could help. I have been having a good look at your blog and it has been soooo helpful (thank you!) I have just posted another blog and did mention your blog... take a look if you fancy, but I have to warn you, I definitely haven't mastered writing a short and concise blog yet!.. Hopefully see you soon!


What is the story you are going to tell?

Today, Tuesday 2nd April, we had a Module 3 skype session where we discussed the stories of our inquiries. Essentially, the entire process f...